Young mille pullet

Tolbunt Polish hens
Cream Crested Legbars
Carey's Bunny Barn
Fertile Chicken Eggs
Bantam Cochins :
My all time favorite breed! Bantam Cochins are beautiful, docile, small chickens that lay a small/medium cream egg. They come in a variety of colors. This breed tends to make fabulous pets and are always the kid's favorites! Some of our colors are show quality and from top breeders around the nation. Many people are showing our birds with great success. Please contact for information. I don't tend to take lots of photos of my birds, just don't really get the time.
~ Silver Pencil & Silver Lace blended pen (not available currently)
~ Self Blue(Lavender)/Splash blended pen (will be seperated soon)
~ Mille Fleur/Calico
~ Black
~ White
~ Mottled
6 eggs $40 ~ Dozen $75
Cream Crested Legbars :
Standard size breed, medium to large blue eggs. Great layers.
6 eggs $25 ~ Dozen $45
Tolbunt Polish :
Rare coloration of the Polish breed. Standard size. White medium to large eggs.
6 eggs $40 ~ Dozen $80
Silver Lace Wyandotte :
6 eggs $20 ~ Dozen $40
Please give at least a few days notice, if not more. Orders get backed up at times.
Preferred Payment is Cash, Venmo @Carey-Harper-3, PayPal or Zelle. I can also take credit card.
Eggs are Bubble wrapped for shipping.
Shipping via Priority Mail
Medium box $20, Large Box $25
PICK-UP will be from H&H Feed in Valley Center 92082, when we have the eggs ready for you.
I usually custom ready eggs for clients and place them at our store for pick up during store hours, with advance notice and confirmation;
H&H Feed
31011 Valley Center Rd
Valley Center, CA 92082
NOTE: These eggs have not yet started to develop. Once you have put them in your incubator, or under your broody hen, then you may count the days. Hatching occurs at day 19 to 21. I typically first candle eggs at close to 7 days and throw out the non-developing eggs at that time.
PLEASE DO ALL OF YOUR RESEARCH REGARDING INCUBATION AND HATCHING! As well as the research of raising chicks once they've hatched, if you have not done this before. If you're using an incubator, always place a 2nd hygrometer within the unit to also track humidity and temperature... Occasionally the one on the incubator may read incorrectly so it can be interesting to watch. is a GREAT resource for chicken care, brooder ideas, coop ideas and information.
Bantam Salmon Faverolle
Large Fowl Cochin in White & Splash
Opal Legbar
White Legbar
Splash Ameraucana, White & Black
Cookies & Cream